Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Am Ready for Spring on Orcas!

Outside my window the bright green madrona blossoms glow. Sometimes even in the dark of night they glow like coals in a fire, and in today's light rain, the red-gold bark and chartreuse flowers glow, emitting a peaceful energy. These holy trees, burial trees, these dancing maidens of the northwest glowing in my yard.

My tulips are beginning to bloom, a riot of red, yellow and deep purple and shades of pink. I never remember that I have so many bulbs. They fight off the invading morning glory aiding me in my battle against those tenacious climbers and stranglers. The lilac leaves are baby green along my back fence, fed by my urine soaked hay at their feet. I am hoping for better blooms this summer. Given to me by my friend of  25 years, Moriah, I had hoped for deep purple but most of them are pure white.

In the front garden, the peony stalks are burgundy and some are already over a foot tall. This spring I know I'll get hundreds of blooms on each plant, the stalks bending with the weight of each huge ruffled pink or white flower. This year with a bit of recovery in the economy we splurged and got wire hoops to help hold up their showy heads. I look forward to giving blooms to dear friends, Mary and Jennifer. Last year, they traveled as far as Doe Bay to grace that end of the Island, purchased by the manager a few weeks running.

I wanted Cosmos this year, tall graceful in whites, pinks and burgundy, waving in the breezes their cheerful faces almost transparent. I started the seeds inside by our French Doors, and I believe every seed germinated. Now out in the garden, backed by Peonies and Hollyhocks they do nightly battle with the slugs and snails, not all have won their lives, but I have replacements, I am persistent. My Allysium seeds have sprouted, tiny green heads in their carefully prepared beds of potting soil, fed with warm water from the house.

We keep hoping to plant potatoes. But, it keeps raining. The soil too wet yet, although I did get my onions in, and the are about one inch high. Ken dug up an entire bucket of Shallots and then decided he wanted me to replant them, but it's cold and rainy.

I am ready for sun. I am ready for spring, I am ready.

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